Trena Marie Turner

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5 Things To Use to Start Your Day


Godly affirmation and godly confirmation based on the scriptures

  1. Remember God made the day

  2. Remember God can lead you

  3. Remember God can direct you

  4. Have a God perspective on things that will take place

  5. Remember you have a role in your day

 In case you did not notice, most of the list is not about you.  You may have also noticed the word God is in every sentence, except the last one.  I pray that you seek God for your day and include Him in the role that you play during it.  Then and only then will you get your desired result. 

Your personal development begins with you and the decision you make on governing yourself each day. Personal development is emotional, spiritual, mental, physical and financial. The Word of God is the first place you should start with this area.


  • Make a list of books that will help your personal development journey

  • Determine that you will read 1 page per day of that book

  • Decide that you will put one principle in practice to apply to your day

  • Decide that change is good and God will help you transform

Your Sister in Christ,


Trena – Seer+Author

