Trena Marie Turner

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Black History

February is the month that Black History is celebrated. I know that there is so much black history that it should be placed in the American History books but it is important to acknowledge the month. Celebrating this time when people invented, innovated and used their creativity to improve humanity is something that we should be happy about! It does not have to stop on the 28th or 29th of February. If you feel compelled to continue to research Black History, there are plenty of curated museums and organizations online (and offline) that can help fill that empty space for you.

My interpretation of the season goes as follows in an acrostic/poem:

B stands for beauty. There is a beauty that our finite minds cannot comprehend in being a black person. We come in different shades, different hair textures and many other features that people desire. I love it!

L stands for legacy. In ways that none of us could have imagined, black people are leaving a legacy for generations yet to be created.

A stands for accomplished. The accomplishments of black people/African Americans as an ethnic group are astounding! The contributions to science, math, technology, movies, food, and art are innumerable. I cannot possibly list them. Then there are things being accomplished by lesser known black people that we may never find out about.

C stands for celebration. I choose to celebrate blackness and applaud those who are around me. I also choose to acknowledge that God hand made each and everyone of us to His liking! That alone, is a reason to celebrate.

K stands for kind. Black people as a group are one of a kind! We were made in the likeness and image of God. Doesn’t He have good taste? We are an expression of who He is in the Earth and I am glad about it!

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