Clean Up


Godly affirmation and godly confirmation based on the scriptures

Isaiah 1:16-17 

How do you react when you notice a stain?  If you want it to be removed, this would be a normal reaction.  Saturday morning is a common day for families to wake up and clean throughout the day.  Everyone gets up early, the supplies are gathered and the cleaning event begins.  You get the spots off of the floor, wash & fold clothes and eventually the home smells clean.  You feel better when you have cleaned up or decluttered areas that have bothered you. 

The definition of clean is free from dirt or other foul matter.  We want to remove things that cause our homes to be dirty or foul.  This is what happens when we come to Jesus.  We get washed and made clean by the blood of the lamb who was slain for our sins.  This may not be the idea or message implanted in our head but this is what takes place.  He makes us clean or “white as snow”.  Remember that song by Kirk Franklin and the Family?

Being made clean feels good, in fact it is great!  Even when we put on certain outfits we are complimented with the saying “You clean up well”!  You look fresh and smell fresh.  A good fragrance is attractive and we as saints want to be a sweet savor in the atmosphere.  We do not want to leave a stench in the air when we are in the presence of others. 


On a monthly schedule or even daily schedule, routine maintenance is often done.  This type of cyclic behavior is performed to make sure things are running smoothly.  Sometimes these activities are run on a more frequent basis depending upon the area that has been cleaned.  Some spaces need cleaned more thoroughly and more often than others because of the mess that is left.

After a while, cleaning becomes a routine.  You perform ‘routine maintenance’ on your life.  We want to keep up the cleanliness so ways to improve it and make things a habit are sought after.  Stopping at the cleaning faze can leave us open to attack and a worsened condition if the clean state of our lives is made ‘dirty’ once again.  It will definitely take a huge effort if there is a period of time when we fall short.

Maintenance can be time consuming, but in the end, it is more than worth it.  The benefits of maintaining cleanliness in our lives has long term effects. Our hearts are ‘desperately wicked’, so compiling a checklist of things that have popped up recently may need to be addressed.  If you felt anxious lately because of current issues like recent governmental mandates, search for a scripture promise to shift that thought onto something pure, honest, and true.  Everyone has a symbolic maintenance crew that we use to help us spiritually.


1.       Reading a daily devotion

2.       Prayer

3.       Scripture memorization

4.       Listening to a sermon

5.       Attending a weekly bible study

6.       Volunteering in ministry

What do you do to maintain being clean for the Lord?

 Definition retrieved from:

Your Sister in Christ,


Trena – Seer+Author




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