Trena Marie Turner

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Helmets and Swords


Godly affirmation and godly confirmation based on the scriptures


Ephesians 6:17

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the

Spirit which the word of God


Most of us learned the importance of wearing a helmet after someone suffered a serious head injury.  We have also learned that helmets of protection are needed for sports like football.  Society has been encouraged to wear motorcycle helmets to avoid head injuries which can cause long term effects.  You do not want to have a closed head injury if you head is not protected by a helmet. 

 The Apostle Paul used a soldiers garments as a metaphor in the book of Ephesians. I receive the description and apply it as a means to be protected during seasons of battle. Sometimes the battle is higher and the warfare is more extensive. During these times of war, the battle gear (Armor of God) is something that many pull out to remind themselves that they do have artillery and weapons to use for defense. We are not unprotected unless we choose to lean on ourselves for help when a war is being waged against us to destroy the completion of God-given goals.

Our head needs protection and fogginess from lack of preparation can cause more harm than you think. Keep your helmet of salvation in place and do not turn back. We have to remember we were saved from sin. Sometimes we have flashbacks of where we came from and thank God for how far he has brought us. There are steps you can take to keep your “head in the game” as a saint. The sword of the Spirit or word of God cuts through the fog and slices the attack sent to harm us. The word of God is sharper than any two edged sword and divides asunder. It also discerns thoughts and intentions of the heart. This comes in handy when the flesh is warring against us!


Helmet: a protective head covering made of hard material, such as metal, leather or plastic.

Sword: a weapon (such as a cutlass or rapier) with a long blade for cutting or thrusting that is often used as a symbol of honor or authority.

*Retrieved from Merriam Websters Dictionary Online.

Read Judges 4!

So take up your weapons and fight the good fight of faith!

Additional scripture reading: Isaiah 59:17, 1st Thessalonians 5:8


Your Sister in Christ,


Trena – Seer+Author

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