Let There Be Light


Godly affirmation and godly confirmation based on the scriptures

Philippians 2:15 KJV

“That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;”


     What a world we live in today?  The scripture above is just one but the contents and context of it is very profound.  You should go back and read the entire book of Philippians.  Anyway, the scripture above this uses the words without murmurings and disputings.  Remember when you were little and an elder asked you what you said because they heard your whisper?  Or the question, “Did you say that under your breath?”  To make it clear, these are arguments or statements of discontent with a person, place or thing.  The Philippian church was told not to do this so they could be:

1.        Blameless

  • complete, innocent - people cannot bring any accusation against you

2.       Harmless

  • not fraudulent, without guile - like Nathaniel the disciple

3.       The sons of God

  • led by the Spirit, Romans 8:14

4.       Without rebuke

  • this speaks for itself

    It seems that the author wanted to drive a point home with the repetitive use of synonymous ideas.

    A lot can be accomplished if we listen to this directive during the times when it is necessary.

     We are living among people who do not believe what we believe, who do not behave in a manner we behave, who do not think they way we think, etc.  I certainly do not want to be the source of discord or cause any confusion in the lives that I should be “letting my light shine” in front of.  At times, life can come at you fast and before we know it we are murmuring or causing an argument.  But with the illumination of scripture, I pray that we take hold of the message of doing things without murmuring so we can be a blessing.

   We will never please everyone all of the time. Scriptures like these influence us to be more mindful of others and how we treat them. We are to be salt and light in the earth (Matthew 5:13-16). Being a preservative and making an impact for the Lord is something all of us can do. As a matter of fact we are admonished to do it in the portion of the Sermon on the Mount.

We are also instructed in Colossians 4:6 about our speech that has to be seasoned with salt.

“Let your speech be alway with grace; seasoned with salt, that ye may

know how ye ought to answer every man

Remember we are:

  •  Salt

  • Light

    Constantly murmuring and being the argument starter is not our portion in the Lord. Be a source of wisdom to those around you. Don’t dim your light or lose your savour.

Your sister in Christ,


Trena Turner



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