Proverbs 31 Women
Godffirmation: a Godblog and a Godbrand for Gods people
Proverbs 31 is a beloved text that has been used as a standard for godly women. It involves details about a woman with godly standards and living a life that exemplifies the word blessed. The passage itself is one that people admire and aspire to become.
Verse 10 starts the discourse with the question “Who can find a virtuous woman?” Then the value placed on her is unmatched. The writing is as poetic as a poet can possibly get. In modern day terms, she would fit the description of a combination of women. She is married, has multiple skillsets and has children that rise calling her blessed.
Some bible scholars believe Bathsheba spoke these words of prophecy to her son Solomon. Their idea comes from the definition of the name Lemuel. Lemuel is referred to in Proverbs 31:1, it means for God. I encourage you to take a look at this chapter of poetry and study it. The story of Samson and Delilah is a picture of some of the verses in Proverbs 31.
Are you a Proverbs 31 Woman or Delilah:
Verse 3 tells the king what he should not do “Give not they strength unto women”. I have not heard this part of the passage mentioned often. In light of the rest of the passage it makes sense. Proverbs 31:3 takes place all of the time (Judges 16:6). For example, Samson told Delilah the source of his strength. Samson knew this was a secret and caused self destruction when he was told “The Philistines be upon you!” He was captured, blinded and imprisoned. Remember Delilah asked him this more than one time. God did avenge Samson in the end. Delilah was not virtuous and Samson loved a woman who eventually betrayed him.
Verse 11 tells us “The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her,”. Now think back on Samson and Delilah. Delilah could not be trusted at all and Samson continued to “mock her” until he finally told her all of his heart. Judges 16:5 is the enticement and she literally asked him so the could the Philistines could “bind and afflict” him. Do not be like Delilah. Bind means to tie together or confine with a cord. Afflict means to cause pain (KJPB Online Dictionary, 2022).
What kind of relationship are you in? Is it a relationship that glorifies God? Is it a relationship that will cause you to be bound and afflicted? Does God need to avenge you from an enemy that was close to you? What woman or man in the Bible can you identify with?
In this season I can identify with Jael. This is just a short compare and contrast comparing Delilah to the woman described in Proverbs 31. During your reading and study of the passages ask yourself what category you fall in. Happy studies!
Scriptures: Judges 16 and Proverbs 31.
Definitions: Retrieved on March 26, 2022. Online King James Bible Dictionary.
Your Sister in Christ,
1st Samuel 9:9 & 1st Chronicles 9:22