Trena Marie Turner

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Step Up To “It”

Scripture References

Matthew 4:18-20 & Mark 3:13-16

 “It” is different for everyone! What is your ‘it’? Think about it and write it down. Then decide to execute ‘it’.

Peter is the example, his ‘it’ came in several phases.  He was a fisher man, Jesus called him to be a disciple and said He would make him and his brother Andrew “fishers of men.”

Peter and Andrew left their nets and IMMEDIATELY went with Jesus.  They left their nets, stopping fishing for fish.  Jesus called his disciples or 12 apostles after praying all night.


            Step:  an act or movement of putting one leg in front of the other in walking or running.  A flat surface, especially one in a series, on which to place one’s foot when moving from one level to another.

            Up: toward a higher place or position.  At or to a higher level of intensity or volume or activity.

Simon means listen or hearing in the Greek

Peter means stone in the Greek (Cephas)


1.     Start

a.     Start the task

b.     Do that thing that God said do, seek after Him while you are doing it

2.     Talk

a.     Talk to God on a regular basis

b.     Tell God about everything

3.     Eliminate

a.     Eliminate the idols

b.     Get rid of idols that means people, places and things that can make you miss “it”

4.     Prepare

a.     Prepare yourself

b.     Get ready for the vision so you can execute ‘it’

5.     Unlearn

a.     Unlearn wrong teaching

b.     Identify an area of your life that is led by wrong teaching and start to change your mindset. Meditate on a scripture, ask God how does this apply to me.

6.     Please

a.     Please God in your behavior, actions, attitudes, intentions, and motivations.

b.     God said “in whom I am well pleased” about Jesus His beloved Son.

3 POINTS – What did Peter do? He made an effort to do these three things.

1.     Stepped Up

2.     Stepped Out

3.     Stepped Forward

Peter stepped up to it when he became a disciple and on the Day of Pentacost when he quoted scriptures from the book of Joel! Peter did this after he was converted and began to win people to the Kindgom of God as a servant. He stepped up, stepped out and stepped forward.

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