Trena Marie Turner

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Underneath All This

There is a phrase and a song that states “beauty’s only skin deep”. But is that really the case? We know there is an outward form of beauty but the inward man can be beautiful as well. Since childhood we hear about having a personality and allowing that to shine through the physical appearance. However, reality does show that what we look like on the outside has an effect on how we are perceived and treated.

Some people make everything about the outside while others make a case for inner beauty. The truth is, both can be a part of your life if you are looking for beauty in God’s creation. Our minds focus on what we feed it with and if it is fed ugliness, well you get the picture. Ugly words, ugly behavior, ugly acts are a part of our society and they are evil. We have been witnesses to these things for most of our lives and it is unfortunate.

It is time for a reset and a shift in focus to the beauty that is still a part of our lives. I have to find time for beauty. The things that we find beautiful may not be the same but there is something that makes your day every time you come into to contact with it. You have to find a balance in your life. There is a beauty in the inward man that needs to come out. A small shift can create major results.

Scripture: 1st Samuel 16:7, Ephesians 3:16, Ecclesiastes 3:11

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