Give Us This Day


Godly affirmation and godly confirmation based on the scriptures

Give us this day, our daily bread.

Matthew 6:11 KJV

     Have you ever heard the popular saying God will provide?  Essentially this is what we are asking in this part of the Lord’s prayer text.  I don’t know about you, but I love when God provides for me.  Based on this scripture there is daily bread that He can give His children.  We need nourishment from God every day.

     Remember the story of the fishes and the loaves?  Loaves of bread were supernaturally supplied by Jesus when a boy helped with filling the need of natural hungry among the multitude.  With this prayer, he guides us to continue to ask for our daily bread as a pattern how to pray to God the Father.  The fishes and the loaves are a good example that God will supply your need in abundance.  God’s overflow is the best.

     If you are uncertain what to pray for in a specific manner, you can always ask God to give you your daily necessary needs for the day.  He wants to provide for you, but sometimes we do not ask Him to do it for us today!  There is no spiritual need that He cannot supply for you.  Isn’t it amazing how this is laid out in His word for us. 

     God is the giver of good gifts.  He has a supply for everyday, it will solve the hunger problem that you have.

If you are thirsty (spiritually), He can give you a drink

If you are hungry (spiritually), He can feed you

Use these words as a guide before you start your day. If we see the day as something that the Lord has given us with His provision, then you will notice your perspective on things change. Remember He is Jehovah Jireh (provider). Remind Him of His words for you to pray. Thank Him for giving you the tools you need to go through the day as a successful member of the body of Christ.


You can Hunger and thirst after righteousness

Jesus is:

Bread of Life – John 6:35

The Way, the Truth and the Life – John 14:6

Your desire for more can only be fulfilled by the Lord!

Your sister in Christ,

Trena - Seer+Author


Forgive Us


Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done