Is it Easy?
Remember the company that had the easy button in their commercial? For a while during conversations with others we would hear, “It was easy.” Well, if you were already acquainted with something, or had the ability to do it of course it is easy. The word easy can have a positive or negative connotation. Easy defined means achieved with little effort. But within the context of scripture, Jesus says ‘my yoke is easy. An easy yoke sounds like a contradiction.
I am picturing a large animal being led around by an owner or a trainer. When I did look up a picture, there were large animals involved. They were side by side with a yoke around both of them. From the looks of the yoke, both animals had to cooperate with the owner, or else possibly choke, cause injuries, etc. There are a lot of scenarios that could take place. A yoke can and will help you if you cooperate with the other party. In the scripture, Matthew 11:28-30, this word is used as a symbol. At the time when he was speaking it implies a blessing if the yoke you ‘share’ is his and not mans! He tells them to take my yoke upon you and learn of me prior to the easy statement.
It is up to us to take his yoke upon us. A yoke does not have to choke you if you follow the leaders guidance. His yoke does not involve carrying around the weight of the world. You may choke if you try to handle everything yourself. Jesus gave us an option to have an easy yoke with light burdens. We have to choose to do things God’s way in order to experience it. We can partner with him because He is able to handle the load.
Do you want to be yoked with Jesus or choked by life? Yoke symbolizes husbandry based on the biblical definition. It is used as a metaphor. During the time of Christ, most of the society was agricultural. Even during that time, I am sure they faced difficulties. They may not be the same difficulties you and I face, but nevertheless a difficulty is a difficulty if you have to deal with it.
Difficulty defined means, the quality or state of being hard to do, deal with or understand. The definition was retrieved from What is hard to do, deal with or understand for you? Whatever it is, Jesus said his yoke is easy and his burden is light. We have to allow our loads to be lighter and easier. Easy means, not difficult!
There is always a decision to make. You can make a good decision that will have long term effects or a bad decision with its consequences. We often try to find help with decisions by turning to the scriptures or seeking counsel from family, friends or leaders. Having the word in your heart is a good thing! The scriptures can help when we need them if we take time to commit them to memory. We have to gain an understanding of the scripture in order to know how to apply it to our lives. We have to make it our business to keep the word from being choked by being yoked to Jesus.
You will never find out if Jesus’ yoke is easy if you do not hand over the reigns of control to him. Take his yoke upon you and learn of Jesus. These are the instructions detailed in the scripture. It is a method of finding rest and releasing the struggle that can cause us to be choked by life. Rest in him.
Scripture Reference: Matthew 11:28-30, Mark 4:19, Psalm 119:11
Remember, God affirms us and God confirms for us!
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