Our Father

Scriptures:  Matthew 6:9, Luke 11:2

After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, - Matthew 6:9 

In the beginning of this text ( it is a portion of the Sermon on the Mount), Jesus is talking about prayer. He tells them not to do alms before men, pray in secret and your Father will reward you openly (paraphrased).  Jesus goes on to tell them how they should pray and gives them a pattern.  We continue to use this pattern in our modern 2021 prayer lives today!  “Our Father” is how he starts off the prayer. 

God is a triune being!

  1. God the Father

  2. God the Son

  3. God the Holy Ghost

This is what is known as the trinity. This part is about a relationship. It has become popular to quote “relationship, not religion” in many sectors of Christiandom. Oftentimes our relationship with God the Father is overlooked by our disobedient behavior. People say “God told me…….." (fill in the blank) a lot but then do not follow through with His instructions. This message is just a reminder that you should obey your Father!

We have to be careful not to see God with our natural eyes. When we see who He is from a natural point of view it can blur the vision that He has given us!

How do you address God?

When we pray, we are communicating with God the Father. We can talk to Him and listen to Him or in other words have a conversation. Speak to God with an awareness of His authority in your life. God is:

  • Omniscient

  • Omnipresent

  • Omnipotent

  • Sovereign

  • Holy

  • Alpha & Omega

Do you see Him as a Father figure in your life?

We have a father or a dad in the natural sense. Some of us have others who are father figures or someone with the attributes of a father. If you did not have a father or father figure that you acknowledged it may make a relationship with God difficult. Talk to God the Father today. Ask Him to help you see Him as your Father. He can make your path today clear by lighting it up. (Psalm 119:105).

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Hallowed Be Thy Name

