Runners and Track Stars
Godffirmation: godly affirmation and godly confirmation based on the scriptures. A God-blog and a God-brand
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Proverbs 6:18 NKJV
“A heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil”
Feet that be swift in running to mischief (King James Version)
Are you a runner or a track star? I am not talking about the popular song. Have you been running to do things outside of the will of God? Are you running from your call? Are you running towards evil instead of righteousness? You can examine your life and ask God to show you areas in yourself that have not been cooperative or obedient to His spirit.
Do you have feet that are swift to run into mischief like Proverbs 6:18 b? In the King James Bible version of the scripture, the word evil is not used. Most often we say we do not, especially when we want to have the outer persona of a do-gooder. The definition of mischief is harm; hurt; injury; damage; or evil, whether intended or not. It also means “intentional injury; harm or damage done by design”. Now can you think of a time, place, and person who may fall into that category? I am sure several instances have popped up in your mind.
We do not hear this word often and it is not common. But, it can describe adults' actions as a manifestation of their heart and inner man. When we decide what we are going to do, most often we do not seek wise counsel or pray about it, we decide to do it. Consequences of the action come later; sometimes we do not care if we have to face them. But the Bible mentions the word mischief 72 times in different passages ( Mischief is a behavior and a mindset.
Proverbs 11:27 has the contrast of mischief, “He that diligently seeketh good procureth favor; but he that seeketh mischief, it shall come unto him.” People who imagine mischief or seek out wrongdoing are held accountable. We cannot go along with the crowd on everything because our decisions have long-term effects. Sometimes what starts as a mischievous act leads to a criminal conviction.
Become a person who seeks good, righteous, and upright conduct. Hebrews 11:6 tells us God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Seeking after God and having faith in Him causes the things of God to manifest in our life. We start to bear good fruit when we seek after God. Our lives experience changes and things work out for your good.
QUESTION OF THE DAY: What conclusions have you drawn about mischief in your life? How have you been living recently?
Your sister in Christ,
Trena - Seer+Author
Scripture References:
Proverbs 6: 18
Proverbs 11:27
Hebrews 11:6
*Definition retrieved from Merriam Webster Dictionary online.
About the author: Trena Turner is an author, blogger, and digital content creator. Her mission is to help Christian women weather life’s storms with grace by spreading positive images in her writing.