

Godly affirmation and godly confirmation based on the scriptures


1st Peter 4:12

“Beloved, think it not strange concerning

the fiery trial which is to try you,

as though some strange thing

happened unto you.”


DEFINITION:  Trial – test of faith, patience or stamina through subjection or suffering or temptation; attempt.  (Merriam Webster Online Dictionary, 2021.)


     Trials come and trials go. Sometimes they are unexpected. At other times we think about how a what if scenario will take a toll on our lives. A trial is an attempt.  An attempt can become a temptation.  There is a connection in those words. An attempt is not successful. There may be a mission involved to attack or assault you, but attempt is not success.

We need faith through subjection, suffering or facing temptations

We need patience through subjection, suffering or facing temptations

We need stamina through subjection, suffering or facing temptations

What do you do in the natural when you feel attacked?  Fight back!   We fight a good fight and endure hardness as a good soldier.  Throughout the word, we have been given examples of how a soldier is in a battle.  There are stories of men (Joshua) and women (Jael) in battle that are signatures throughout the bible.  We are told what happens when they do or do not follow God’s instructions.

Do not think it is strange or compare your current trial to anyone else.  We can overcome because we have a battle plan for our lives in the scriptures.

A trial is an attempt (it means to make an effort to achieve or complete) on your faith, patience or stamina.  Visualize a trial as an attack in the spirit.  There is an attempt to dismantle your faith, eliminate your patience and wear you down until you have no stamina. 

A fiery trial can bring emotions to the forefront.  It can uncover things that have been hidden.  A fire purifies (1st Peter 1:7).  There is a popular song by a group called Refiner.  It is asking to be tried and burned.  They are asking God to do a work in them through this song.  Like I always say, this is a prayer of this groups and anyone who sings it.  Sometimes it is hard to be excited when you are experiencing something harsh.  Acknowledge that and do not deny that you do not like what you are facing but be aware that you are victorious.

Dirt is removed by the fire.  There are some things that need to be removed and you may have asked this to take place at some point.  Have you ever asked the Lord to help you?  If you did your current experience may have been placed here to purify you and cleanse you.

1st Peter 4:13

But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are

partakers of Christ’s sufferings;

that, when his glory shall be revealed,

ye may be glad also with exceeding joy

There is something great that will come out of this experience, and you will experience the joy related to the experience.  God does not just leave us in a fire. The joy is set before us just like Christ. We have to be expectant and continue to believe God. Pray that you continue in faith, have God-given stamina and patience to endure until the end. You will be successful in this battle, it is not yours anyway.

Your sister in Christ,


Trena Turner





Life and Peace