Keep It Up

Whatever you are doing to better yourself and those around you, keep doing it. If it is godly or positive, keep it up. Your good works are necessary for you and others. Don’t dial back now, keep it up.

Believe it or not, good behavior is discouraged in some sectors of society. Some people are despised for their good works that have godly intentions for the individuals around me. If you don’t believe me let me remind you of Jesus. Remember he was not loved by everyone. He healed the sick, delivered people from demonic footholds and raised the dead. Who wouldn’t love someone with all of those good works?

I do realize it hurts when you know that others are not for you. This is a part of life. We will have enemies and friends present. There are times when we get discouraged but we have to keep the faith.

So Keep reminiscing on the things God has done for you!

Keep memorizing scriptures!

Keep praising God!

Keep trusting God!

Keep your eyes focused on God!

Keep going!

Keep the faith!

Let Him keep you in perfect peace.

Scriptures: John 14:15, Ephesians 4:3, Philippians 4:7, 1st Peter 4:19

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