Stand Fast
To be stationary, anchored or secure defines stand fast. Remember the song with lyrics, my soul has been anchored? An anchor helps you to remain in a fixed position. Cruise ships and some smaller boats put anchors out to keep a ship positioned at a port, otherwise it will float. The boat or ship will move out of the fixed position.
This perspective leads me to a scripture in Corinthians. Stand fast in the faith is what Paul tells the Corinthian church. For further study, the scripture is listed below. So we are admonished to remain fixed or stationary in our faith toward God. We are told in other passages to have unwavering faith. Do we really walk in that as a reality or do we have to hype ourselves up from time to time? I think the answer depends on where you are in your life at the moment.
Now the two words can be separately defined. When you hear stand, you might think of Ephesians 6:9-11 where it states, when you have done all to stand, stand. Then it goes into the whole armor of God in the following passages but also encourages prayer down a little further in the chapter. The KJV biblical word stand has several definitions. A few are listed below:
To remain upright in a moral sense
To stop, halt, not to proceed
To be in a state of fixedness
4. To succeed, not to fail
There were so many definitions! If you are anchored, that can fit all of these definitions can’t it. We have been in a fixed state for while with the global pandemic, restrictions have been lifted three vaccines have been approved but still things are not the way that they were. But, if you are standing fast, you can succeed and not fail during all of these halted conditions. There are so many things going on all around the world but we have to be reminded about the Word of God during this time.
As servants of God, we are in a position to succeed because of whose we are and who we are in Him matters most. It is time to take a stand and do it fast. Proceed swiftly and embrace the promises of God in your life. You cannot go wrong if you hold onto his holy word in the scriptures.
God affirms and God confirms!
Scripture Reference: 1st Corinthians 16:13