You Are Blessed

Godffirmation: godly affirmation and godly confirmation

based on the scriptures 

Psalm 1:1


Blessed is the man that

walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly;

Nor stands in the way of sinners

Nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful


Do you realize you are blessed?  There are a multitude of scriptures that say you are blessed if you meet the condition of the scripture.  Blessing in the context of Psalm 1 means happiness or blessedness.  In other words, if you are not taking advice from the ungodly, not a stumbling block or judging others you will be blessed.  Sometimes we have trouble seeing ourselves blessed. 



1.      You walk wisely – Proverbs 28:26. Trusting your own opinions can be foolish at times; wise godly counsel is always the best.  Seek out godly vessels for advice.  It will probably be better than writing to an advice columnist or asking a TV host can you come on their show.  Be very careful who you get advice from, counsel should be wisdom from above (James 3:17) and not wisdom of the world.  You can tap into sources that are evil if you listen to the wrong advice and take it at as truth, then start walking in those words.


2.      You are a good testimony of God’s goodness – 1st Corinthians 8:9. Read the whole chapter for context.  It is an example of how you should not display behavior (touch things dedicated to idols) and cause someone who is weak to stumble.  Our life speaks for us and our fruit is obvious to those around us.  Sometimes we are not congratulated or applauded for godliness and that is okay.  God’s approval is what matters, he can give you favor with man.

3.      You judge righteously – John 7:24. In some situations our judgements are unjust.  We have only looked upon an individual and instead of seeing someone who may need Christ, you turn your nose up.  Sometimes saints think they are automatically better than someone and oftentimes it could not be farther from the truth.  This is unrighteous judgement; there are plenty of people who appear homeless but are rich.  Then there are some people in a bad situation that need a helping hand and unforeseen circumstances sent them into a current condition. 


If you have been wondering if you are blessed, you may want to take a look at what God says is a blessing.  His word says things that may not line up with the worldly ideologies of blessings.  Sometimes His word has been misconstrued by the world and our knowledge of it has become faulty.  We need to frame our thinking around the word of God which is what we believe carries weight when we apply it to our lives.  We can use the scriptures to remind ourselves that we are blessed.

Scriptures: Psalm 1

PRAYER: Thank You Lord for reminding me that I am blessed.  When I sought happiness in people places or things, I was disappointed at times.  You word in Psalm 1:1 tells me that this is how I am blessed!  Happiness with myself is what matters when I am leaning on your word.  I stand on your promise in this scripture.  I delight in your words and I choose to meditate on the scriptures so I am planted.  I will be fruitful because of this and I thank you for instructions in life.  Amen.



Your Sister in Christ,


Trena – Seer + Author


On This Journey


Mind Matters